I’m having a contest for the remainder of January. Anyone who signs up for my email newsletter between now and January 31st will be entered in a drawing… for a drawing!
On January 31st, I’ll put all the new sign-up emails in a hat and the person that is picked will get a custom black and white comic of a story of his or her choosing! It can be any story (bad date! bad job! stinky, cockroach-y apartment!) but it must fit within a max of 6 panels.
Everyone else will get my scintillating, artwork-filled newsletter as a consolation prize! This newsletter also will contain unreleased comics, updates about my work, upcoming projects, pre-sales on minicomics, and more!
Sign up Now!
The Fine Print:
But what if I already subscribe to your newsletter! I want a comic! No problem- retweet, repost, share, etc, info about this contest and you’ll be entered! (Email me at tk[at]theorakvitka.com if you aren’t sure I saw your share.)
What can I do with the comic after you give it to me? I will give you a web-ready copy which you can post on social media, your own website, wherever! I just ask that you please give me credit, and you must not make money off of the image (i.e., don’t make t-shirts of it to sell). I will retain rights to the original image.
My story can’t possibly fit in 6 panels! I can help you try and shave it down.
Can you draw a fanfiction slash about my favorite characters from “_____”?!? Mmmm….. probably not, but open to discussing. If you aren’t familiar with the kinds of comics I make, take a look!
Ready? Sign up now!
If that doesn’t work, sign up here.
Don’t want to take your chances on a contest? Have a story that MUST be told in comic form right now? Let’s work together, then!