Tag Archive: comic

  1. It’s Really Happening

    Although my personal release date was broken by unforseen circumstances (some out of my control, some due to my inexperience), the comic is still happening. In fact, it HAS happened. “It’s Happening” official release date: 8/23/2013 . AKA Friday. Buy it here, via Storenvy, or in Chicago at Quimby’s. Get ready.

  2. Comic Update

    “It’s Happening”, my first-ever comic, is coming out August 29th. Get excited! I will make copies available to buy through my website. ***EDIT: I meant July 29th! Sorry! *** I plan to have copies for sale at Quimby’s in Chicago by that date, and available to purchase here soon after. Hooray! Also, check out the …

  3. Busy, busy

    Quick update because I haven’t posted in a while.  It’s been a really inspiring month!  CAKE was the weekend of the 15th and 16th, which was awesome; it made me feel so encouraged and excited about the comics community right here in Chicago.  I got my copy of Lisa Hannawalt’s new book signed by her …

  4. Urbanity: Ongoing

    This comic was inspired by Planetizen’s coverage of the American Planning Association’s recent convention in Chicago (OK, so the convention happened several weeks ago but I am only posting this now).  I was inspired in particular by an interview with D. Bradford Hunt and John B. DeVries, where they discussed that Chicago’s current planning culture …

  5. Dating

    I’m currently working on a mini comic, inspired (for better and for worse) by the realities of dating in your twenties.   Here’s a little teaser.