Tag Archive: comic

  1. Strangers

    Above taken from a real conversation with a stranger. … Sorry for the long break. The holidays, etc, happened. I have a new schedule starting last week that is going to allow me the time, stability and peace to draw a lot more. I’m really excited and terrified about it. Now is my chance! Deep breath. That being said, I’ve got …

  2. Sexy/ Not Sexy

    Haven’t done one of these in a while! … Now I am running into the issue that I want to work bigger (bigger paper), as Jeremy Tinder instructed I do, to get finer detail and avoid hand cramps, but my scanner bed is only 8.5 x 11″.  Scanned images have better resolution, colors, all that …

  3. Fresh

    Attended an amazing class led by Jeremy Tinder  almost two weeks back that gave me some great new perspectives and ideas on how to improve my process.  All of my burning, nerdy questions were resolved! He showed me what kinds of pens and brushes to use- I’ve started using India Ink instead of gouache because the ink …

  4. Fruit Flies

    This summer, my sister and I had a bad run in with some small flying bugs.  We still haven’t completely gotten rid of all of them, but their numbers seem to be dwindling.  Fruit flies, most of you are familiar with, especially if you were once a college student. Typically fruit flies will follow you into the house via …

  5. Preparedness Exercise #1

    Have you been dumped recently?  Had things go sour with a budding romance? If this has happened on a small, cloistered college campus, you are already too aware of the fact that you will be running into this person again and again.  However, even in large cities where anonymity is treasured, flocks of single young people tend …