The second assignment in Austin Lee’s Prototyping Lab class was to use six examples from an animation library and create a new, short animation of our own. I decided to create some vector art to illustrate this assignment, using familiar characters from my Urbanity Planet series. I first looked over all of the baseline motions in …
What would happen if the cost of living on Planet Earth became so high that recent college grads couldn’t afford to live there anymore? They’d pack up their space ships and move to Planet N!#ult0n, of course. My new weekly webcomic, Urbanity Planet, follows the bumblings, ramblings, mistakes and joys of a hapless group of …
Studies show that you can improve sleep-deprived brain chemistry by taking short naps throughout the day. The characters in my new book, Commuter Naps, seem to have figured this out. Released on April 11th, this book of illustrations shows ordinary people on their way to work, some of whom happen to be sleeping. Commuter Naps was printed using …
For two years, I’ve been working on an idea for a book of illustrations, and I’m pleased to announce that this project finally has a release date: April 11th, 2016! Commuter Naps is a collection fantastical ink wash drawings showing urban dwellers sleeping in strange places on their way to work. Whether it’s walking the dog or riding a bike, …
This comic was inspired by Planetizen’s coverage of the American Planning Association’s recent convention in Chicago (OK, so the convention happened several weeks ago but I am only posting this now). I was inspired in particular by an interview with D. Bradford Hunt and John B. DeVries, where they discussed that Chicago’s current planning culture …